

The Math Department offers peer tutoring on A-Day before school in Room 1213 and after school on Wednesdays in room 2008.  Students wishing to meet with a peer tutor should get a pass from their math teacher to attend.

Carver Center’s Mathematics department supports BCPS Blueprint 2.0 by creating a culture of deliberate excellence for every student.  We focus on the commitment to engage all students in mathematics and teach curricula that focus on problem solving, communication, and critical thinking skills.  Carver Center’s Mathematics department’s goal is to prepare every student to reach their potential and become a globally competitive, mathematically literate citizen.


Math Flow Chart


Additional information about courses can be found here



Mr. Bill Johnstone, Mathematics Department Chair

Ms. Nicole Horner, Mathematics Teacher

Mr. Joe Karbowniczek. Mathematics Teacher

Mrs.  Amy Rivoli, Mathematics Teacher

Ms.  Megan Rosinsky, Mathematics Teacher

Mrs. Maria Tazelaar-Ngo, Mathematics Teacher

Ms. Lori Turner, Mathematics Teacher