Media Center

Santina Jannotti, Library Media Specialist

Shaveira Harris, Library Assistant


Hours: Monday-Friday 7:30 - 3:15 whenever school is open.

Phone: 443-809-3652

Instagram and Twitter: @CarverCenterLMC

GWCCAT Library Media Center Google Site

You can reach the librarian, Santina Jannotti, at [email protected]. If you are a student, please send me a message through Schoology. I will get back to you within 24 hours.

We're open for lunch shifts! Bring your curiosity, but don't leave your mess :)

Lunch procedures: Students are welcome in the Media Center during their lunch time, but you must come with a pass. Please get that pass from Ms. Jannotti or Mrs. Harris in the Media Center in the morning or on your way to lunch. If Ms. Jannotti or Mrs. Harris are unavailable, you can also get a pass from your English teacher.

Printing: Students CAN print in the Media Center with their BCPS device! Make sure you come with a pass from your teacher!

If you attend Carver Center, you are in the Library Media Center Schoology Group. Click below to access everything the Media Center has to offer!

GWCCAT Library Media Center Schoology Group


Research Resources


Databases in the BCPS Digital Content contain reviewed information so you know you're getting information from credible sources. Click the link to learn how to access them.

NoodleTools is our note taking and source citation tool. You can even use it to organize your information, outline your work, and start your paper. Make sure you log in using the Microsoft 365 button.

Do you need more information about MLA formatting? Try the Purdue OWL.

Are you completing research for a class or for your own curiosity? You can use this Research Guide to help walk you through the process.

Book Checkout

Use the link below to access our library collection of print and digital resources.

Destiny Discover

Did you know you can access our collection online? Use the Destiny Discover App on your phone or tablet to checkout eBooks and Audiobooks. You can also put books on hold and have them ready for pick up the next day!

Learn about the Destiny Discover App

You can also use your student ID to check out books and access digital resources from Baltimore County Public Library! Directions are in the LMC Schoology Group. Click below to get started.



Learning Standards

Learning in the GWCCAT Library Media Center is aligned to the AASL (American Association of School Librarians) Standards Framework for Learners, Maryland College and Career Ready Standards, and disciplinary learning standards across content areas. 

Find out more about how the school library program supports student learning:

AASL Parents/Guardians resource page

AASL Administrators resource page

AASL Educators & Classroom Teachers resource page